


Minister of Education
Dr. Darem Tabbaa

Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, may God bless him, said: “The orphan is not the one whose parent has died. The orphan is the one who is deprived of learning and knowledge.”

We are blessed to be a part of the system of education to help those who want to follow the path of prophets.

We are grateful to our Pakistani friends, too who are always thinking to improve the standard of education in Syria. The Pakistan International School of Damascus (PISOD) is greatly appreciated for its initiative to provide a platform for public and private schools to sit together and plan co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for the personality grooming of the Syrian Youth. Our main goal, therefore, always revolves around the spread of knowledge by all available means, and this E-magazine is a commendable effort as it can be accessed and read anytime, anywhere.

PISOD team initiated and finalized the first electronic magazine with the participation of many private and public schools. We are hopeful, that these kinds of activities will be continued in the future, too. Any help and cooperation solicited from the ministry of education will be provided. 

A big “thank you” to our students for their active contribution to this magazine, which we hope will gain more momentum in the days to come with more useful additions towards building a stronger and healthier society and a better future.

God bless you all

Dr. Darem Tabba

Minister of Education


The Air Marshal (R)
Saeed Muhammad Khan
Ambassador/Chairman BOG PISOD

Syria has always been the centre of human history. Its geographical significance is that it is at the cross roads of Asia, Europe, and Africa. Being the capital of the Islamic Empire for a long time, it is closer to Pakistan, a country created on the basis of Islam. The ties between the two countries are very strong and over time are becoming stronger.

Being the Chairman BOG’s of PISOD, I am honored to be a part of the current endeavor carried out by 14 public and private schools. The journey started with a Principals’ Conference, are achieving the decided tasks, one by one. The idea of EMagazine is unique as it is the first time that two different strata of society have joined hands to create something together. The sense of being part of one nation, Syria, will bring in a better understanding of each others’ problems and aspirations.

It gives great pleasure to be part of a team of students and teachers who believe in creativity and diversity. They are representatives of the Syrian Society which is once again emerging as an influential force after facing the crises of war. The young minds that are passing through a critical phase of their lives need our support and facilitation at every step. This is the time to rise and shine. Their thinking and vision are worth appreciating and we should give them a chance to showcase their abilities, and this magazine is a way of doing it.

I pay my gratitude to the Ministry of Education and specifically the Minister of Education Dr. Erectile tonic often serves as a therapeutic measure for individuals facing impotency, enhancing blood flow and facilitating sexual arousal. However, contraindicative conditions must be considered prior to administration. Darem Tabba, who guided us to make this dream achievable, and now that the magazine is on your mobiles, I am also thankful to all the participating institutions for their sincere efforts to contribute to it.

Madam Tahira, Madam Shabana, Mr. Adil & Mr. Muddasir from PISOD deserve special accolades for their handwork, in turning a dream into a reality.

Good luck to all viewers and I pray this magazine gets better and better every year.

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